Thoughts about Venture in Apr 2020

Venture has been quite resilient to the stock fall due to Covid 19. It has performed better than most stocks out there.

It is interesting to note the retail and institutional interests.

In the week of 13 April 2020.

The institutional investors while the retail sold. Institutional bought more than retail has sold. 10.7 vs 4.6.

Looking at the chart

It shows an upward trend for Venture on the week of 13th Apr. Institutional investors probably have confidence in the stock to buy while retail could be profit taking from the last week lows.

The quarterly results are expected on the 24th Apr. It would interesting to see how this stock played out. There was a negative review by MayBank on the stock. Thus, the stock has been under some pressure for the past 48 hours.

In a layman understanding, institution trend to have more information about the stock than a retail players. They typically understand the enter and exit strategy.

The question is if one should follow to enter the market now. 
